Amazing strokes

Today morning i got a Amazing Pencil & Painting works from Canadian artist, Denis Mayer. From his site I'm got one more Deviation also, charlesvinh.

Denis Mayer.


Today's Inspiration # 03

Enemy House logo animation from david polonia on Vimeo.

Space Beauty Part1 from david polonia on Vimeo.


From Flickr

R.Kamal is a fine artist, illustrator

Decent Illustrations.

Thiago Ribeiro Santana


Paul Giambarba - Polaroid Branding 1957-177

You might want to know why I care so much about analog photography, whether it's Impossible, Polaroid, or plain old fashioned wet chemistry
Paul Giambarba

This is pretty much the entire line of products introduced at the ICP in NY on 18 December.

The three camera models.

Paul Giambarba
The branding of Polaroid
